Where can I find legal aid?
There are several ways to find legal aid in the US, depending on your income, location, and legal issue.
You can contact the Legal Services Corporation, a federally funded organization that provides civil legal aid to low-income people. LSC has a network of legal aid programs across the country that can help you with issues such as housing, family, consumer, health, education, and employment. You can find a legal aid program near you by visiting their website or calling 1-800-532-1275.
If you are among the group with low incomes who cannot afford a lawyer, you can use the American Bar Association's free legal answers service, which is an online platform that allows you to ask a legal question and get an answer from a volunteer lawyer.
Some law schools also offer free legal services to the public. Law students, supervised by faculty or lawyers, can provide legal advice, representation, or education to low-income or disadvantaged clients.

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